Intervention by Ambassador Bogyay on Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the SC
Intervention by H.E. Ambassador Katalin Bogyay Permanent Representative of Hungary on Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council, on 6 February 2017.
Intervention by Ambassador Bogyay on Conflict Prevention and Sustaining Peace
Intervention by H.E. Ambassador Katalin Annamária Bogyay Permanent Representative at the Open Debate of the Security Council on “Conflict Prevention and Sustaining Peace”, 10 January 2017.
Intervention by Ambassador Bogyay on Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations
Intervention by H.E. Ambassador Katalin Annamária Bogyay Permanent Representative at the Ministerial Open Debate of the Security Council on “Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations”, 20 December 2016.
Intervention by Ambassador Bogyay on Water, Peace and Security
Intervention by H.E. Ambassador Katalin Annamária Bogyay Permanent Representative at the Open debate of the Security Council on Water, Peace and Security, 22 November 2016
Speech by Ambassador Bogyay at the United Nations Day Gala Concert
It was a great honour for the Permanent Mission of Hungary to the UN to co-host and sponsor the United Nations Day Gala Concert on Monday, 24th October, 2016. Find below the speech delivered by H.E. Ambassador Katalin Annamária Bogyay, Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations on this special occasion.